H.M.S. Hood Association Battle Cruiser Hood

AssociationLearn More About Us & How You Can Help
To learn more about the H.M.S. Hood Association, to include our history, activities, how to join and how you can help support our efforts, please CLICK HERE.

On this day...

Below you will find details of where the ship was on 2nd June each year. Where the year in the first column includes the word 'details' in brackets, you can click this link to access a full transcription of Hood's log for that date.





1920Kioge Bay
1926BlodickPracticesBlodick Bay
1931Sea & Spithead
1932Scapa Flow
1935Scapa Flow
1936Gibraltar and at sea for exercises
1940 (details)Liverpool

For further details why not visit our Timeline which describes in details the ship's career from 1920 to 1941. Or, if want to check when she was at a particular place or where she was on a range of dates then our ship movements database is worth a visit.

Forthcoming events

Sunday19th May, 2024
Boldre Service of Remembrance

Annual service of remembrance for those lost with Hood will be held at St. John's Church, Boldre where Vice Admiral Holland and his wife Phyllis worshipped before World War 2. All are welcome.

Saturday 25th May, 2024,
AGM and Runion Dinner

Our AGM and Annual Dinner will take place at the Royal Maritime Club, Portsmouth. Tickets will be available are now available - please see the Spring edition of The Chough or email Paul Bevand for details.

Sunday 26th May, 2024
Service at St. Ann's church in the Dockyard

Friday 24th May, 2024
Pompey Pals remembrance service at the National Naval War Memorial, Southsea Common.

The Pals will muster from 10:30 for a service to being at 10:50 to remember the 1415 men lost in H.M.S. Hood.

H.M.S. Hood and the Hood Association - find out more!

Many films films have been made about Hood over the years. Some of these, as well as some recent presentations to historical interest organisations, are listed below. To find out more about the ship and the Association, you are invited to explore these fascinating productions.

  • 'Duty Before Honour' The destruction of the French fleet at Mers-el-Kebir on 3rd July 1940 was a contentious and tragic mission for those who served in Force 'H'. The attack on the French ships resulted in the loss of over 1300 French lives - men who had, until that point, been closely allied with the men of the Royal Navy.
    To commemorate the tragedy of the mission Vice-President Rob White has produced a 30 minute film: "Duty Before Honour". Featuring veterans from both sides and footage donated by independent filmmaker Andy Poulistades, it explores the history of those sad days and is a testament to the men who were lost. Their families are now represented by 'L'association des anciens marins et familles de Mers-el-Kebir'; Herve Grall, their last president whose father was lost at Mers-el-Kebir, actively sought to build links with our Association in the years following, as a mark of conciliation and reconciliation.
  • 'HMS Hood Mighty then, Mighty now' (Film) Commissioned by the Association to mark the 80th Anniversary of her loss this film describes why Hood was so significant to the inter-war generation and how her loss still resonates today. (May 2021)
  • 'For years unseen' (Film) Commissioned by the Association this film tells the story of how Hood's bell was recovered from the wreck and returned to Portsmouth to be displayed at the National Museum of the Royal Navy.(2017)
  • 'The HMS Hood Association' (Talk) - Cdr William Sutherland (Chairman), Rob White (Vice-President) (Presentation to Orkney International Science Festival, May 2021).
  • Iconic Ships - HMS Hood As part of their 'Iconic Ships' series, The Society of Nautical Research released through its Mariner's Mirror Podcast facility, a presentation by the late Professor Eric Grove who makes the case for Hood as an 'iconic ship.
  • HMS Hood, Last of her Kind' (Discussion) - RAdm Philip Wilcocks (President), Rob White (Vice-President), Cdr William Sutherland (Chairman), Cdr David Hobbs (naval historian), Mr Graeme Lunn (naval historian.) (Presentation to Orkney International Science Festival, May 2021).
  • Question and Answer Session about finding Hood's wreck and recovering her bell - David Mearns (Vice-President), Rob White (Vice-President), RAdm Philip Wilcocks (President), Cdr William Sutherland (Chairman), Cdr David Hobbs (naval historian), Graeme Lunn (naval historian). (Presentation to Orkney International Science Festival, May 2021).

Own a replica 15-inch Hood tompion!

A "tompion" was the metal cover placed over the end of Hood's guns when they were not in use and which prevented sea water entering the barrels. Thanks to the amazing work of Andy Poulastides, the H.M.S. Hood Association is now able to offer replicas of the tompions which were used on Hood's main 15-inch guns. These will be strictly limited to 51 tompions (Hood's pennant number) and are not only items of great craftmanship and beauty but are highly likely to prove an excellent investment. For the full story behind the making of the tompions and to find out how you can reserve one click here to read Rob White's report (originally published in the summer edition of The Chough.) together with a gallery of photos showing the stages of manufacture of these remarkable items.

Memorials to Hood's lost

The memorial pages to the men lost will always be the central part of this web site. Below we feature two of the 1415 men lost with the ship - one for whom we have a photo and the other for whom we do not. You can find out more about the men who died in the sinking of the ship by visiting our Roll of Honour page

George McCart

Sadly, for 367 of the men lost with the ship we have no photo.Do you have local knowledge or contacts which would help us reduce this number? Please visit our Casualties by county page to find out whether we still need photos of men who came from close by where you live.

Albert Henry Morgan

Remembering Hood's crew

We want to remember and commemorate the lives of all the men who served in Hood from 1920 to 1941. To that end we have a page for each man about whom we have information. On these we record details of their lives and service as well as including photos of them with their families and service mates. Please visit our H.M.S. Hood Crew Database section to find out more.

Updates to crew pages

No new pages have been created in previous two weeks.

During the last two weeks, we have amended the following crew pages: